Virginia Hamilton

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Where can I learn about Virginia Hamilton?

Virginia Hamilton

Virginia Hamilton was the youngest of five children. All her life she listened to the stories her family told, so it is natural she would become a storyteller herself. She is the author of The Girl Who Spun Gold, M.C. Higgins the Great, Zeely and more. To learn more about this award-winning author, visit these sites:

Virginia Hamilton This is her very own web page, so start here. Read articles and interviews, learn about her books, and find out where to meet her. In addition, you can have fun on her site with frog jokes, (lots of frog stuff, actually), writing tips, and polls.

Authors Online Read an interview with Ms. Hamilton done by students.

An Exclusive Interview With Virginia Hamilton This short interview brings out some interesting information, such as the fact that Ms. Hamilton takes napping lessons.



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