Homework Tips

Read these 3 Homework Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Kids Online tips and hundreds of other topics.

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How can I get help with my school work?

I Need Facts!

When you are doing your homework and need fast information, it can be very frustrating. The web has several places which track down quick information for you. Try these sites to get started:

Fact Monster Type in a term and this site will search dictionaries, encyclopedias and other sources to help you find what you need.It even has some original articles.

Searchopolis is a kid-safe search engine. When you type in a search term, it only gives you sites that have been checked out to be sure they are safe.

How can I get help with my school work?

Ask an Expert

Sometimes when you are researching a report, you will have a question. It is tempting to email someone who has a webpage or an article on the subject for help. Remember that these people often get a lot of mail, and might not be able to answer you, so keep looking on your own. Ask short questions about a specific problem. Ask "Do you know where Laura Wilder was born?" Don't ask "Tell me everything about Laura Wilder." They don't have time to do your homework for you.

Can I use information I find on the web in my reports?

Do your own work!

Many students doing reports now go to the web for help. You can find good articles on almost every subject. However, it is illegal to copy those articles and turn them in as your own work. This is called plagiarism, and it is stealing. When you are writing a report, you can use the information from the articles you find, but you must put it in your own words and tell where you found the information. You should also use more than one source so you don't accidentally steal someone else's work.

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Guru Spotlight
Alexis Niki