Little House on the Prairie

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Where can I learn about Laura Ingalls Wilder?

Little House on the Prairie

Did you know that Little House on the Prairie is actually a true story? All the Little House books were written by Laura Ingalls Wilder about her own life. Her daughter, Rose, who was already a famous writer, helped her to put the stories into a book for children. Rose also wrote about pioneer days in a book for older children. To learn more about Laura Ingalls Wilder, try these sites:

Frontier Girl This is probably the best site about Laura on the entire web. Here, you can see her homes, pictures of the real family and even some of Laura's friends. You can read more about her life, get help with your school report on her, and even listen to songs from Pa's fiddle.

Jenny Sleg's Little House on the Prairie Pages This one isn't just for kids, so surf with a parent. Jenny has been a great page, that includes geneaology, links to the towns Laura lived in, and information on the television program.



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