What is Hannukuh?

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What is Hannukuh?

What is Hannukuh?

Hanukkuh, the festival of lights, is celebrated by Jewish children to remember a miracle that happened long ago. They celebrate for eight days, lighting a special candle each day, receiving gifts, playing Hanukkuh games like Dreidel, and eating special foods. It is a time to celebrate their freedom and to honor their God. If you don`t celebrate Hanukkuh, you might enjoy learning more about their traditions. Make or buy a dreidel, eat a potato pancake...it`s fun to learn about the traditions of others.
Try this site to learn more:

Hanukkuh: Festival of Lights

This site explains the history of the holiday, offers good books to read, and suggests crafts and activities. Most of the links don't work, but everything else is really great. Teachers, there are discussion questions for your lesson plans as well.



10/19/2006 5:05:33 PM
pedro martinez said:

this is the best stuff i have read today;)


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