If You Want to Write...Read!

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If You Want to Write...Read!

If you want to be a good writer, you have to read and read and read. Notice what kinds of stories kids are reading today. Find out what's good or bad about the stories you read. Find out what has already been done-your story needs to be original.

When you read a book, the first time just read it for fun. Then stop and think about the book. What did you like about it or dislike about it? How does the book make you feel?

Then go back and read it again carefully. Figure out what you can learn from this book. How does the author make you feel what he wants you to feel? How does he pace the book-how does he make it not go too fast or too slow? How does he tell you what the people in the story are like? Why do you think he chose the ending he chose?

Use what you learn when you write your own book.



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