May 18, 2007, Newsletter Issue #129: Eleanor Roosevelt

Tip of the Week

Eleanor Roosevelt is one of the most popular first ladies in United States history. Her husband, Franklin D. Roosevelt, was the only president to be elected to more than two terms in a row. Her uncle, Theordore Roosevelt, had also been a president. She changed the role of the first lady by getting very involved in politics. Her husband was in a wheelchair due to polio, and could not visit many places he needed to go, so he often sent her. After he died, she served in the new United Nations, and helped to create some very important international documents. Read these sites to learn more:

TV Clips Watch Eleanor in this video taken from a television program in which she interview John Kennedy about the Peace Corps. Have a parent preview it first.

Anna Eleanor Roosevelt A short biography of the first lady.

The Education of Eleanor Roosevelt See one of her report cards, find out about extracurricular activies, look at her homework and take a quiz. You can also get this information on her husband here.

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