March 9, 2007, Newsletter Issue #119: Helping the Homeless

Tip of the Week

Many children today are very worried about children who do not have homes of their own. These children are just like you. They want to go to school, curl up in a warm bed and have toys and friends. It can be very hard to go to school when you donīt have a home and it can also be very hard to feel safe and hopeful. Visit these pages to find out what some children are doing to help:

Help the Homeless HUD has a short page with suggestions for ways children-even preschoolers-can help.

Warming Families Work together with your family to make quilts for homeless families. Keep another family as warm as you are. This site shows you how to make an easy and inexpensive quilt.

Kids Can Make a Difference Find out what you can do to help feed the hungry. Many homeless children are also hungry and this is a good place for kids to help. This has some unusual suggestions.

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