December 14, 2007, Newsletter Issue #158: How Do People Celebrate Christmas?

Tip of the Week

Christmas is celebrated in many different ways around the world. In Australia, Christmas comes in the summer, so instead of sledding, Australians are usually at the beach. In Denmark, children decorate their trees with little men called Nisser, which are Santa's helpers. In France, may children have a large meal at Midnight with 13 desserts. In Italy, children receive presents in January, when a witch named La Befana delivers presents on her broom.

It is a lot of fun to learn about Christmas around the world. Who know? Maybe you will get some ideas for your own celebration.

Try this site to learn more:

Christmas on the Net

This is a very large Christmas site. You can listen to people say Merry Christmas in many languages, learn about Christmas in other countries and find fun ways to celebrate.

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