December 8, 2006, Newsletter Issue #106: What is Yule?

Tip of the Week

Some families celebrate the seasons with a special Yule observance in December at Winter Solstice. There are many different ways families celebrate the Solstice, which is the shortest day of the year. Some children stay up until the sunrise following the shortest day of all, to be sure a new day really does come. Some families have a special ceremony in which they place sunflower seeds on a bird feeder and celebrate being a part of nature. Pagan children believe that Yule is when the Holly King, the ruler of winter, dies and the Oak King, who rules spring and summer, is born, so they celebrate the new birth.

Try this site to learn more:

Winter Solstice

This site offers an explanation of the holiday and suggests some ways families can celebrate the changing season together.

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