November 24, 2006, Newsletter Issue #104: Ants

Tip of the Week

Did you know there have been ants on the earth for 100 million years? They can carry more than ten times their weight and they have careers! Try these sites to learn more about these facinating creatures.

All About Ants Surf this site with a parent, since there is a lot to buy. You can learn the basics of ant life and the anatomy of ants. Perfect for school reports.

Ant Cam Need to study ants but itīs the middle of winter? Two web cams let you watch ant colonies online. Surf with a parent here-there is more to buy, and it isnīt just for kids.

Ants How are ants like people? What can they do that we could never manage? Even if you were never interested in ants before, you will find this page fascinating.

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