June 8, 2001, Newsletter Issue #28: Summertime Fun: Have a Party!

Tip of the Week

Don`t wait for a holiday to hold a party. Have one next week, just for no reason at all. Your party doesn`t have to be expensive or even a lot of work if all your friends pitch in. Ask each guest to bring a treat to share and a game to play. Afterwards, have everyone help clean up. You can have a party and not even be too tired to enjoy it! For more ideas, visit my Have Fun Playing Offline section, with tips on crafts, party games and more things you can do at your party. (Well, if it`s summer where you live, you might not want to try the snowman games.) Visit my suggestion page: http://www.kidsonlinetips.com/SubCatPage.asp?SubCatId=55422

Then try this tip for some great brownie recipes you can try at your party:

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