June 22, 2001, Newsletter Issue #30: Summertime Fun: Play a Game

Tip of the Week

There are lots of ways to learn new games. Ask your parents and grandparents to teach you the games they played as children. Go to the library and ask the librarian to help you find books about games. You can also search the internet for game ideas. I have some sites about games on my website, so be sure to stop by the link listed below.

One fun game is tag. How many different ways can you play tag? When I was a little girl, we used to try to see how many different knds of tag we could play in one night. We played freeze tag, president tag (name a president if you are about to be tagged), animal tag, book tag, movie tag and even riddle tag. How many kinds of tag can you think of?

My tip of the week is about playing marbles. Your parents might have done this when they were young. Take them with you to visit these sites and then ask them to play with you.

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