When it comes to Kids Online, we've been there, done that, now serving 202 tips in 15 categories ranging from Authors and Books to Science and Technology.
What's gray and goes around and around? An elephant in a washing machine.
Ummmm....these are funny? Well, most kids think so anyway. For jokes your friends will love and your parents will hate, try these jokes:
Jokes AAAHA A whole page of silly elephant jokes. The joke I told at the start of this tip came from this site.
Kids Kazoo
Ask your parents to check out this site first. Some of the jokes are a little violent.
Saint Cronan's School
A long page of elephant jokes from children at a school in Northern Ireland. While you're there, click the links to learn more about where they live.
Do you think you're an expert on children's books and authors? Study my tips and then take my Big Brain quiz on children's books and authors.
Big Brain
There is a place to sign up to win points for buying things or entering contests. Kids can't sign up! You can ask your parents to sign up, but don't give your email address and don't give theirs without permission. You can take the test without signing up.
Robert Munsch wrote Love You Forever, and Aaron's Hair. He is a first grade teacher in addition to being a writer. To learn more about him, visit these web sites:
Robert Munsch.com
This is the official page for the author. Find a complete list of his books, notes about what is new in his life, a really, really funny biography, and stories written by children. You can also listen to the author tell stories. The site also tells you how to write to him-and he might even write a poem about you!
Robert Munsch Q&A.
Scholastic invited readers to submit questions to the author. Check out the answers here.
Do you love to curl up with Little Women? Do you long to have been an Alcott, learning in her father's school or listening to people talk who would someday make history? Louisa wrote the books about events from her own childhood, although she changed some details and made up other things. For instance, Jo married Professor Baer, but Louisa never did get married. To learn more, try visiting these fun sites:
Alcotts and Orchard House Take a virtual tour of the Orchard House that Louisa and her family lived in. We believe this is the house featured in Little Women, although the events didn't actually happen in that house.
Hypertext You can read Little Women online here.
Little Men Read the sequel online at this site.
The Alcotts A short biography of her father and of the writing she did at Wayside.
Who wants an ordinary birthday party? Try these ideas for great party ideas:
Arts and Crafts Parties Lots of craft ideas, theme invitations and more. Surf with a parent.
Billy Bear's Birthday Make your own invitiations, decorations, cakes and more.
Birthday Party Games Find some goofy games for indoor and outdoor parties.
Planning a slumber party? Be sure to plan things to do. When kids get bored, they tend to get into trouble. Try these sites to get some great ideas:
Game Kids Sleepovers
Sock it to Me, Tidal Wave, and Food Captives are some of the games here designed just for giggly slumber partiers.
Game Girl
This site is meant for parents, so ask them to surf with you. Games include Junk Food Frenzy and a No-Mirror Makeover.
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