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Marbles are fun to play, and not too expensive. Don't let anyone talk you into playing for keeps,though. That is gambling and just plain stupid. Remember, the kid who wants to play for keeps is really good or he wouldn't offer. If you are really good, don't play for keeps either. Taking another child's marbles is a lot like stealing. If you make someone sad, you won't have any fun. Also...their parents will probably get really mad. So, just play for fun. Visit these sites to learn more:

Marbles This article talks about marble playing in the old days. How could you tell a good player from a bad one-before he even started to play?

Kids Ark The history of marbles, basic rules and information on the international championships.

Land of Marbles This is the best marble site I've found. It has lots of illustrations to show you how to play and score your games.



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